Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Shine Your Light

Excellent... My Furie just learned Healing Wind, and that makes her the most important monster I have. Yes, even more important than my Sphinx who I've loved since he was cute little kitty cat with wings. Although...I just realized, this makes my Blue Rose useless why did I put it back into my party? Well...guess this frees up space for another monster. Maybe a bunny or something. Anyone have any suggestions?

No, most of you weren't meant to understand that. But it fulfills my Tales of Symphonia requirement for this journal.

I'm not sick anymore. I knew I wouldn't be since I didn't have to work yesterday so that would obviously be the day I'm better. Because I guess it's more fun having to work the six days in a row being sick from the first one, and then when I suddenly don't have to do anything anymore, I'm perfectly fine.

There are still Christmas lights!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Currently Listening To: Jason Castro, "Love Uncompromised"

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yeah, I was reading that whole first paragraph going...what? I'm glad you're not sick, even if you don't have to work. Apparently everyone I know has been sick, such as my mom, sarah, and you...even though none of you have met anytime recently. oh well.