Thursday, February 28, 2008

Look Out!

I keep having these dreams that I can't remember, and then at some point during the day, I'll get a brief flash of the latest one but never be able to actually think of what it was. And I feel like I'm missing something incredibly important, and it's kind of frustrating. Like in this last one I was in an auditorium and talking to someone, but I can't remember who, and I can't remember the situation very well, but there were all these blinking colored lights, and it's just driving me insane. I know they're just dreams, but I feel like I need to know what happens in them.

Maybe I have superpowers, and that's what it's all about. If so, that's fantastic.

I was going to add more, but then I realized it'd make this journal really long, and nobody really cares that much. So I'm going to leave since I have to wake up for work in the morning anyway. And since nobody will work for me, I have no choice but to sleep...2 hours ago.

Currently Listening To: Taylor Swift, "Stay Beautiful"

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Happy 200th

It's my 200th journal! I amn't sure what to do for it. Or whether I should really care or not...

...I think I'll care since I have nothing else better to do. Yahoo!!! 200 journals! What an achievement! Everyone bow before me! BOW! Shower me with gifts and chocolate and love! Ooh, and fountains. Not like...water fountains, but fireworks fountains. No wait...don't actually shower me with those. Then I'd be a crippled, burning mess on the ground, writhing in pain, and screaming in horrible little noises to make you stop.

Descriptive, no?

Unrelated, I feel very happy but very depressed at the same time. It's such a weird feeling. You'd think the two would even out, but instead they're just clashing with each other. I wonder which will win out. Anyone care to make a bet?

Happy Tuesday to everyone who celebrates tuesdays. And if you don't...are you kidding? It's tuesday, do you just pretend that day of the week doesn't exist or something?

Currently Listening To: Ashley Tisdale, "Kiss The Girl"

Saturday, February 16, 2008


So this Valentine's Day wasn't as bad as most of them. I didn't do anything, of course, but I didn't have to deal with annoying people all day long either. So good enough. ^_^

My dad bought me a new alarm clock today since yesterday my old one stopped showing numbers, and I was afraid it was going to say "DIE" instead. Since it was showing weird half numbers. I'm totally not kidding about the die part, by the way. Anyway, this morning since he had to buy new ink anyway, I told him to get me a new alarm clock, totally not expecting anything, and I come home to a Cinderella alarm clock waiting for me. Cute. It's really cool though you can press a button and the time lights up on the ceiling.

I amn't sure why I went on so long about that alarm clock...

I almost ran over a bunny yesterday! It ran out in the middle of the road, and apparently my reaction was to quickly push in the clutch. Which would have been great if I'd followed that up with hitting the brake. But I didn't. In fact, I think the gas pedal was involved somewhere. So hopefully I never have to stop really quickly because my reactions are backwards.

So um...Happy Valentine's Day to everyone, I guess... Since I'm not completely hating it right now and feeling a little generous.

Currently Listening To: Kelly Clarkson, "Maybe"'

(P.S. This was supposed to have been posted yesterday. Oops.)

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

What I Did At Work

Yeah, it was a busy day all right. I'll explain all the pictures because even though I'm sure nobody cares, there'll be someone who says "Hey, what do they all mean?" just to be difficult. So since you don't care just skip the next part.

Left Side
You'll have to match them up as much as you can... First you have Peter and Nathan. One of them is flying.
Deku Shield
Andy, my manager of the day who had said my drawings were bad and was thus punished with horns, fangs, and a dress.
Horton the elephant wearing a sailor shirt and looking none too happy about it
A flying Puni
Poor guy who's scared of lightning
Alien spaceship
Right Side
Dog from Powerpuff Girls
Sword piercing through cloud. Which was supposed to be Exor from Mario RPG, but I quickly realized I don't remember what he looks like.
Demetricus, my superhero puppy. Look, he has a cape. ^_^
Anakin from Episode III. He's asking "Because of Obi-Wan?" I didn't actually draw that picture, Andy did, and only because he's obsessed with that scene and is constantly quoting it. I play my part though. When Anakin chokes Padme, I pretend like I'm choking. I participate. ^_^

That's all. Wow, that was a huge waste of time. I wonder if I have anything else to talk about. ...Anything at all... Hmm...I appear to lead a very boring life. And I'm tired. I guess I'll just go to sleep then and dream some dreams. Last night's dream was's hoping for a better one tonight.

Ahem, Katie, what I meant about "indulgence" is that having now accepted what I have, I play with little scenarios in my head like...what if that happened, or what if it happened this way instead? I wish I could stop because I already know I'll come crashing down pretty hard when it's all done, but it's just one of those things that it's too late for. So I'm sure that cleared nothing up for you. I tried though.

Currently Listening To: John Mayer, "Say"

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Great Scott!

It's interesting how one moment you're so sure of something, and then the next something happens, and you feel completely different. I'm talking split second realizations like in the movies when they're always like "Oh wow, I can't believe I'm actually in love with this person!"

Though not necessarily that subject. Seriously. It was just the only example I could think of for that happening in a movie.

Anyway, I've had a couple of those in the past couple of weeks. The second one just happened to negate the first one, but that's how it goes. Although I'm very fond of self-awareness, the problem is that once you realize something you have no choice but to accept it, and with acceptance comes indulgence, and I definitely don't want to indulge. I wish I could go back to the denial stage.

In other news, I hate my shampoo. I was just using really good shampoo, but then it ran out so I'm back to the cheaper stuff, and I can actually feel my hair being dried out when it's still under the water. Weird feeling. Weird, weird feeling.

Currently Listening To: Colbie Caillat, "Feelings Show"