Saturday, December 27, 2008

Great Title

Sigh...I just love my new stereo. It's so loud. ^_^

Anyway, I also have a new keyboard, and I only bring this up to let everyone know how much trouble I'm having typing. I'm not used to it yet, and it's so tiny, and there's a stupid bar where the bottoms of my hands are so I'm hitting a lot of the wrong keys. But it's ok, it's really quiet, and nobody spilled ice cream on it.

Work is tons of fun. Except for the part where I have to be there. Other than that though.

I think I'll play some more Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness now. Got to make Elliot or Denny or Vaughn want to marry me. Even though Denny hasn't moved in yet... Which may make that more difficult than it needs to be. As long as I don't have to marry Pierre, I'll be happy.

I'm hungry. Maybe I'll eat my Dairy Queen now. One of my favorite people at work bought it for me. Although...a lot of people are some of my favorites at work... Not my best friend though!

Currently Listening To: Paramore, "Decode"

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