At that point, his friend literally snorted in laughter, and I was just like "No..." I feel bad though. If I hadn't been caught so off guard with that, I might have been a little nicer. I felt better with his friend laughing at him before I answered though. I still probably should have been nicer though. But then I went back inside and told one of my coworkers, and he looked annoyed and said "Well, I went out there, and they only talked to me. None of them were hitting on me." I think he was jealous. :P
They never actually sent the schedule out. And I found out today it was because they wanted to talk to one employee first because he didn't have any hours. Which is nice, of course. You know, that they wouldn't tell anyone else when they were working because one guy who doesn't actually accomplish anything at work is getting the amount of hours he deserves. It just seems kind of irresponsible to me to not let your employees know when they're working.
And those stupid Twilight books cost me about $50. Which makes me angry...
Yup yup yup <---That's a link.

Currently Listening To: The link
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