Wednesday, September 24, 2008


They really need to stop being so cruel to Julianne on Dancing With The Stars. I know it's completely unreasonable to expect she would go home this early with her fanbase and the fact that her partner was on Hannah Montana, but... Really, that's the second night in a row they've left her and her partner until the end to find out if they're safe, and it still makes me nervous.

Reading stupid Twilight books. Which...I'm very depressed to say are actually decent. Although I'm only on the first one. Hopefully they'll get worse, and I'll still be able to say I don't like anything having to do with vampires. The only reason I'm reading them is that several people at work pestered me constantly for the past couple of weeks, and I figure I may as well. Plus, this one guy told me that if I read them, he'd watch Supernatural. So that's obviously the most important thing.

I heard a Hanson song over the intercom while I was in the grocery store today. Which I thought was a little odd...

Um...I think that's all. Oh, as far as I know, the schedule for next week isn't out yet so... I have tomorrow off, and then I don't know if I have to work or not. I'm kind of hoping that gets emailed to me in the next day.

Currently Listening To: Taylor Swift, "Love Story"

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I probably watch Taylor's new video more than ten times a day...that's not bad, is it? I'll but the cd when it comes out. And even though Twilight is about vampires, it's a girly book about vampires, which is a big difference.