While I was at Walmart, I was playing with some of the stuff on the shelves in the Halloween section. I barely touch...something, I have no idea what it was, it falls off the shelf, I try to catch it before it falls, I just manage to hit it in my palm, and the package somehow flies open. Then I realized I was bleeding where it hit me. I have no idea how the package opened. It's just one of those basic plastic on cardboard things, but it should have still been connected enough that hitting the corner of it (which is what I'm assuming I did because of the cut) shouldn't have made it open enough for the plastic to fly off and have whatever it was that was inside go flying in another direction.
I should really be getting to sleep.
Who wants to go to work for me? I have to be there at 1. I feel I should warn everyone that the Sunday 1:00 shows are the busiest ones for kids movies. But I'm sure you can handle it. Oh, and when the shift is over, make sure you bring me a pumpkin. I need my pumpkin seeds.
Currently Listening To: Matt Nathanson, "Come On Get Higher"
1 comment:
Why are you still awake at four in the morning? And why do you need pumpkin seeds?
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