...before talking to me.
1.) If you come to me for advice, I'm going to give it to you honestly. If you just want someone to validate your every opinion, find someone else. If I think you're wrong, I'll tell you.
2.) I don't like when people fish for compliments. Constantly saying stuff like, "Oh, I'm a loser" will not get you a "No you're not, you're the best!" It will get you an "Of course you are." That doesn't mean I think you're a loser since I was more than likely teasing you. It just means that I don't like when people don't have enough confidence in themselves that they constantly need other people to build them up. That doesn't mean that if someone's having a bad day I won't try to make them feel better, but I can't spend every day trying to make someone feel better.
3.) I have a sarcastic sense of humor. If I say something mean to you, I probably don't mean it.
4.) If I talk to you, I like you. Basically, if you initiate the conversation every time, and I give you one word responses, I'm probably trying to get rid of you. If you initiate the conversation every time, but I actually respond to you with actual thoughts, I like you. I usually don't initiate conversations. I don't like bothering people. Oh, and if I don't really respond to you one day out of every day I've ever talked to you, it probably has nothing to do with you. We're talking about a majority thing here.
5.) Arguments are stupid. People don't agree on everything. No one is always right. But the point is to communicate. I hate when friends get into arguments over stupid things because no one will actually listen. If you say something to me, but it comes out to sound like an insult, I go by intent. As a stupid example, saying "your hair looks nice today" does not mean your hair looks hideous every other day. People who stop speaking to me over something petty infuriate me. Why would you risk a friendship over something that doesn't matter in the first place?
Just so you know.
Also, I love the fishes cause they're so delicious.
Currently Listening To: Matt Nathanson, "Sooner Surrender"