I was playing Final Fantasy VIII earlier. I'm not sure why when I already have so many other games I have to play...but I wanted to give my mom a chance at Tales of Symphonia, and that left me without my Wii. Plus, I was too stupid to realize that the reason the internet wasn't working was because the cable is so loose that the slightest touch will disconnect it, and that's why I had no internet all day. Usually it's just because Charter is hateful and is out to get me. But now I have all the GFs, and I can go beat the game. Which probably won't happen for another month.
From a combination of cold, and lack of food (which I'm guessing is caused by the cold) the spider outside my kitchen window appears to have died. It's very sad, poor little guy.
I'm going to back to Tales now or something. Probably Tales. I have to advance in the plot at least a little bit today.
Currently Listening To: Gavin DeGraw, "Young Love"