First of all, let's get out of the way that I watch American Idol, Survivor, Dancing with the Stars, and the winter olympics. Yes, ha ha "She's a loser, she watches reality TV." Shut up. This is the long-awaited journal you've all been waiting for about my favorite things. It's dedicated to three people who have been waiting very anxiously for it. And those people are Matt, Em, and my friend Katie. Sniff...this just wouldn't be possible without all your support! So without further ado, let's get on with it.
5th - Zelda
Ok...I'll admit that I didn't have a 5th thing that I love so I decided to fall back on Zelda. It was a choice between that or Tales of Symphonia, and Zelda won out because...well, it's Zelda.
4th - Ozzy from Survivor
Ozzy was number 3 up until he decided to be a freaking moron last night and get bumped down to number 4. 1-2 years ago when he was first on Survivor, he absolutely dominated in the challenges, and he was completely in love with the experience of living on that island so I knew that he'd be back if there was an All-Stars 2. Which there kind of is. And he's back. (And still so much better than Yul.) :P
3rd - Prince Caspian
The movie, not the prince. Although I will admit that I love the character. I can't wait for this movie to come out. That's pretty much all I talk about at work movie-wise. I think I'm starting to annoy people. I don't care though, it was my favorite of the Narnia books, and it's going to be a great movie. By the way, I signed up for that poster, and I'll be very happy when I can hang it up in my room.
2nd - Jason Castro from American Idol
I find it likely that none of you would like Jason Castro. But he's easily my number 2, and Bb will actually be very surprised to hear he's closing in on my number 1. He doesn't have the voice to belt out songs like most of the other people, but his strength lies in singing with such conviction, as though he's gone through the experience of the song. (Maybe you have to listen to the song 248 times to really get it.)
Here he is singing on tuesday night. Also, he's just adorable, and you can't argue with that. And he plays the guitar.
1st - Apolo Anton Ohno

Apolo. He's an olympic short track skater who won season 4 of Dancing with the Stars.
Let's all watch him samba! He's very competitive, but not in an annoying way, he just has a drive to better himself. Which is why he wins gold medals. I wish I didn't have to wait until 2010 to see him again...
So that's all. I figure most of you will probably skip this journal, but I do expect the three I mentioned to read it, study every picture, and click on every link. That's the price you pay for even faking interest. That'll teach you to do that next time.
Currently Listening To: Jason Castro, "Hallelujah" (Aw, come on, that shouldn't be a surprise.)
P.S. I used "waiting" several times on purpose in the first paragraph. Thought you should know.